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Chipotle Aioli 250ml

Chipotle Aioli 250ml


We have been making our Chipotle Aioli for years always being asked to sell it. Well, here it is all yours to always have in your fridge.


Perfect for Taco Tuesdays, or Wtaco Wednesdays, or maybe Mtaco Mondays


I am 100% Vegan

  • This product is made with Soy

    contains onion and garlic

    contains chili

type copy.png

est. 2011

Adelaide's best veggie                                          burgers and hotdogs



Shop 150, Lvl one, 

Adelaide Arcade, 

Adelaide, SA, 5000


Tel: (08) 8232-1302


Mon - Tues Closed

Wed 11:30-3:00 / 5:30 - 8:00

Thurs 11:30-3:00 / 5:30-8:00

Fri 11:30-9:00

Sat 11:30-8:30

Sun 11:30-3:00

©2023 Two-Bit Villains

All photos (Except exterior of Adelaide Arcade and Instagram scroll) by Neon Theory

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